"When it comes to the environment, the invisible hand never picks up the check." --Kim Stanley Robinson
.. Our approach to ending Harmful Algae Blooms is unique. We give pond scum a market value, as paraffin, and allow Adam Smith's 'Invisible Hand' to do the rest.. we began working on this a long time ago, when the first elements of the pattern began to emerge.. these blooms have increased in size & frequency, in both fresh and salt water, to become the 'new normal'..
our predictions have been accurate
both in time & place.. we know what to do.. we are ready..
Harmful Algae Blooms are a growing problem and will remain so until we find a way to prevent them we can live with. Right now we wait until a bloom becomes intolerable and then a public agency spends millions to clean up the damage. As these blooms become larger and more frequent, as they will, this will not be a sustainable strategy. We must find a way to interrupt the blooms before they can do any damage… and we must do it continuously. The question then is “who pays for that”? The answer is, the clean-up technology itself. Our EVIE robots produce $5,327 in revenue PER MONTH. That is over $60,000 PER YEAR from a robot that barely costs a fraction of that. This is over & above any fees collected from public agencies to clean and/or prevent blooms. How? They convert the biomass of the bloom into paraffin wax, which sells commercially, in bulk, for $8.50 per gallon… and the market is HUGE. It is used in the chemical industry, refining, food processing, agriculture, cosmetics & pharmaceuticals… a remediation that pays for itself …
.. at a profit.
Our process was tested by an independent laboratory. Algae from Toxic Blooms in Florida were run through our process. 50% to %70 of the Toxins were removed. The nutrient load in the water column was REDUCED by 50%.. WITHOUT ANY CHEMICALS OR WASTE STREAMS WHATSOEVER. However, it isn't the nutrient load, per se, that causes the bloom. The bloom also requires CO2 in the water column. Our EVIE robots are the only remediation technology that also gets to the root cause. The results are available to qualified parties upon request.
Watch our "Ted Talk".... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJMRAkS0W14
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Our robots are powered by the wind & sun. They eat algae and turn it into paraffin, like a meta-organism. So they do not contribute anything to the problem they exist within the energy "budget" Nature provides. They do ALL the things they do on ONE Horsepower, and do it well. The days of something being used because it is "less polluting than the alternative" are over.
We can no longer afford the Devil's Arithmetic.
One of the misconceptions about our robots is that they are like a ROOMBA.. they are not.. they actually run between 20% and 30% of the time because they 'live' off the available energy only, just like the algae does.. they move toward a bloom and then 'graze' on it .. until a larger bloom appears.. where they move again.. Remember, algae is the base of the food chain upon which all life depends... we do not kill the algae.. we just keep it from forming a toxic bloom.. so it can continue to feed all aquatic life and not harm it.. The E.V.I.E. robots become a co-equal part of the ecosystem.. not some industrial process we hope the ecosystem can survive.
From a thermodynamic perspective photosynthesis is 3% efficient, meaning it converts 3% of the energy it receives into work, the rest is rejected as heat. The robot is 22% thermodynamically efficient, meaning on a square foot basis it does 7X as much with the same energy. Add to this photosynthesis being a pulsed process, the robot can consume algae over 12X faster than it can grow.
A lesson of modern times is during disasters, whether natural or man-made, the pivotal technology is not always a super-machine capable of dealing with any and all challenges with overwhelming force. It is a simple, basic, easy-to-use machine available in large numbers. We tend to forget, there is value in having a lot of something. Call it the "power of the anthill".
WHY CAN'T WE JUST USE AN ENGINE?: because it would take 92.3 gallons of diesel fuel to make ONE gallon of paraffin.
Algae blooms are a self-perpetuating phenomenon but they originate in specific places under very specific conditions. The robots are designed to disrupt those conditions, preventing the bloom from occurring at all. That is how a relatively small number of robots can control blooms in a large body of water.
AREN'T ROBOTS TAKING JOBS?: we believe that to have a bright future, rather than a dystopian one, robots must belong to ordinary people who use them to amplify their capabilities; as they see fit. That is why we have made them as accessible to ordinary people as we can. We can only solve environmental problems by finding economic solutions and solve them from the bottom up. Download the free study plans and see if it is for you.
How does blue-green algae affect the brain? The most common blue-green algal neurotoxin is anatoxin-a, but all the neurotoxins interfere with the transmission of signals in neurons or across the neuromuscular junction, leading to muscular paralysis and, in severe cases, death due to respiratory failure.
Call or send an email if you want to join the fight to save the Earth.
We offer the SCNJ Partners Plan to qualified people. With this plan we provide a robot at no cost to you. You operate it and we share the revenues 50/50. Call for details..
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